Best. Coffee. Ever.

Fresh, locally roasted coffee beans delivered directly to your office means you’ll never have a bad cup of coffee again. Whether they’re drinking it black, or living on lattes, we keep them fueled so they can get the job done.


Local, fresh and sustainable

We partner with Katz Coffee from right here in Houston to bring you the best coffee you’ve ever had. We love that they’ve built relationships with farmers around the world to make sure their beans are ethically and sustainably sourced.

coffee with a cause

Giving back is so important to us. We love that by partnering with Katz, some of the proceeds from the sale of our coffees go directly to Texas-based non-profit conservation projects.

man drinking coffee on the phone.jpg

Local, fresh and sustainable

We partner with Katz Coffee from right here in Houston to bring you the best coffee you’ve ever had. We love that they’ve built relationships with farmers around the world to make sure their beans are ethically and sustainably sourced.

coffee with a cause

Giving back is so important to us. We love that by partnering with Katz, some of the proceeds from the sale of our coffees go directly to Texas-based non-profit conservation projects.


Our technology

We are proud to offer the Sego by Bravilor Bonamat, a fully automatic espresso machine capable of serving barista-quality drinks at an affordable cost-per-cup. These advanced bean-to-cup machines come with the latest in touch-free technology to give you a truly incredible experience. We regularly service and maintain each one to ensure every cup is perfect. We also offer a variety of traditional Bunn brewers, made right here in the USA and used all over the world.

A picture of Kratz Bayou Blend Coffee, two phone screen mockups showing touchless app use, and a Bravilor Bonamat espresso drink machine.